

Infertility - RE Clinics

While the doctors and facilities listed below are ones that we collaborate with frequently and recommend highly, the list is by no means exclusive. We are happy to work with the clinic of your choice and encourage you to find a doctor who is the right fit for you. We work with clinics throughout the United States.

HRC Fertility

​Robert Boostanfar, M.D.
Michael Feinman, M.D.

Alison Peck, M.D.
Encino office: (818) 788-7288
Westlake Village office: (805) 374-1737

David Tourgeman, M.D.
West Los Angeles office: (310) 481-0881 

Brad Kolb, M.D.
Jeffrey R. Nelson, D.O.
John Norian, M.D.

John G. Wilcox, M.D.
Pasadena office: (626) 440-9161

John Norian, M.D.
Rancho Cucamonga office: (909) 941-1120

Jane Frederick, M.D.
Daniel Potter, M.D.
Laguna office: (949) 472-9446 
Fullerton office: (714) 738-4200

Mickey Coffler, M.D.
Oceanside office: (706) 758-2034

California Fertility Partners

Guy Ringler, M.D.
Richard Marrs, M.D.

Kelly Baek, M.D.
Karine Chung, M.D.
(310) 828-4008


Kathleen Brennan, M.D.
Molly Quinn, M.D.

(310) 794-7274

USC Fertility

Richard Paulson, M.D.
Kristin Bendikson, M.D.
(213) 975-9990

Pacific Fertility Center

Vicken Sahakian, M.D.
Michele L. Evans, M.D.
(310) 209-7700

Surrogacy Agencies

Center for Surrogate Parenting, Inc.

Abundant Beginnings

Infertility - ART Information

American Society of Reproductive Medicine


Parents via Egg Donation

Fertile Action

Gays With Kids

Additional Clinics We Have Worked with Recently


Cornell University Medical Center

NYU-Langone Medical Center

Cedars Sinai Medical Center

Boston IVF

Brigham and Women’s Hospital

The Fertility Institutes

Shady Grove

Zouves Fertility Center

Stanford University Medical Center

Spring Fertility

Reproductive Partners

Los Angeles Reproductive Center

Bloom Reproductive Institute

Hanabusa IVF

American Fertility Services

New York Fertility Institute

Oregon Reproductive Medicine

Fertility and Surgical Associates

La Jolla IVF

San Diego Fertility Center

San Diego Fertility Specialists

LA IVF Pasadena

CMD Fertility

Newport Fertility Center

Western Fertility Institute

Center for Reproductive Health

Pacific Reproductive Center

Life IVF Center

Southern California Center For Reproductive Medicine


Fertility Clinics We Have Worked with in 2017


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Traditional Cycle

In a traditional cycle, one recipient is matched with one donor for one cycle. If a successful pregnancy is not achieved and all normal embryos have been used, the recipient is eligible for a second cycle with no agency fee.

Shared Cycle

In a shared cycle, two or more recipients will share eggs from one cycle with one donor at one clinic. Each recipient pays an agency fee and legal fees. Shared expenses include donor fee, donor insurance, and donor travel (if applicable). Medical expenses are determined by the clinic. This option is not subject to our free rematch policy unless specifically outlined in the agency agreement.

Frozen Eggs

We work with some clinics that offer frozen eggs. The donor choices are limited. If you are interested in frozen eggs, please contact us. This option is not subject to our free rematch policy.

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