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egg donor perspective

What it’s like to be an Egg Donor?

Posted in: , 12/07/2020

Choosing to become an egg donor is one of the most selfless acts any woman can do. As an egg donor, you are given the opportunity to help bring new life into the world as well as help create a family. Your choice to become an egg donor will mean so much to an individual or couple who has dreams of starting a family, but you must be aware of the entire egg donation process before you begin.

If you’re considering becoming an egg donor, you might be questioning what the process entails—  How does the screening process work? What is the retrieval like? Is it time-cons...

Fertility After 50

Posted in: , 01/16/2020

At Beverly Hills Egg Donation, we are here to make pregnancy happen. It is not always easy coming to terms with the reality of using an egg donor, but we’re here to make your dreams of having a family come true no matter your age or circumstance. In fact, recent data from the National Center for Health Statistics show that the U.S. birthrate among women over 40 has seen a 4 percent increase. With the help of our egg donors, their donation allows individuals to build their family later in their life. 

When it is time for you to select your donor, our database provides th...

What to Expect as an Egg Donor

Posted in: , 01/03/2020

Being an egg donor can be a daunting process filled with paperwork, medication, and doctors’ visits but what egg donors don’t see are the silent struggles intended parents go through when they are unable to conceive naturally. During the egg donation process, we guide each egg donor along the journey of donation to allow personalized attentiveness and fulfillment. 

Choosing to be an egg donor is about the experience and the families you are helping to create. You may not realize what an impact you’ve made on your recipients’ life, and you may not recei...

New Parents from Egg Donation

Finding the Right Egg Donor

Posted in: , 12/06/2019

The journey to parenthood may be difficult at times, but you are not alone. Though the process of trying to conceive is different for everyone, there is help out there and Beverly Hills Egg Donation is your resource on the path-to-parenthood. 

Finding the right Egg Donor can be an emotional and perplexing process, but, it is a major decision on the road to creating your family.  We are here to help you make this dream a reality! On the journey to parenthood, more and more people are choosing egg donation as an option. As a community, it's time to further the conversa...

Learn about egg donation

Are You Curious About Egg Donation?

Posted in: , 12/04/2019

Are you curious about Egg Donation?  You’ve come to the right place. It’s ok to have questions because we have the answers. In a world where fertility doesn’t always happen for everyone; Egg Donation is an alternative to which some Intended Parents must turn to.  Intended Parents understand the time and effort given by Egg Donors to bring their dreams of parenthood to reality, and the impact it has on both parties. When you choose to be an Egg Donor, we want you to know that your generous gift will have an influential impact that could extend generations past you...

Infertility Help

Infertility Does Not Have to Be a Struggle

Posted in: , 12/02/2019

The struggle with infertility may seem like a hopeless battle for many people.  Infertility may seem like a silent struggle, but, it does not have to be.  Did you know that 1 in 8 couples in the US struggle to build a family?  The Center for Disease Control (CDC) states that 15% of couples in America struggle with infertility. Infertility does not discriminate based on race, religion, sexuality, or economic status. You never know how badly you want something until you are told that it may not be possible.

At Beverly Hills Egg Donation we realize that infertility is ...

Common questions that come up with new donors

Posted in: , 03/14/2019

  1. What is going to happen at the initial appointment?
    • You’ll have a consultation with the doctor, they’ll do a vaginal ultrasound to see how many ovarian follicles you have, and they’ll draw some blood. A small number of clinics will also have you meet with a psychologist and/or genetic counselor, too.
  2. How long will it take to find out if I’m medically cleared?
    • If this is your first cycle, you’ll be having genetic tests done, and those results typically take about t...

Egg donor compensation varies from agency to agency

Posted in: , 02/26/2017

At Beverly Hills Egg Donation, egg donor compensation is between $7,000 - $10,000 per process. Egg donation compensation is not usually the highest motivation to donate eggs, most donors rank the participation in giving the miracle of life equally.

In addition to life-long gratitude from our recipient families, the egg donation compensation rewards you for your time, effort and dedication. Returning egg donors often receive a higher egg donor compensation amount based upon their previous success.

In addition to agreed upon the eg...

Selling Your Eggs – How are Donors matched with recipient families

Posted in: , 01/10/2017

At BHED, when a couple decides to use donor eggs, they can view a password protected database of potential donors. A tentative donor egg match is made when the recipient families decides to move forward with a specific donor. Our IVF coordinator will contact the egg donor to confirm her availability and begin the second half of the process of selling your eggs. Once it is confirmed that the egg donor is available for the recipient's necessary time frame, and has passed her FDA-required round of testing, the match becomes official. Sometimes donors are selected and match...

Have you ever wondered about the process for donating eggs?

Posted in: , 11/22/2016

Donating eggs is a process where an egg is taken from a fertile woman and donated to another woman who has had problems conceiving.

During the process, donated eggs are usually fertilized in a laboratory setting and the resulting embryos are then transferred into the recipient's uterus via in vitro fertilization (IVF). Sometimes some or all of the embryos may be frozen for later use.

Donating eggs helps women who cannot use their own eggs for reasons including: ovarian failure, to avoid genetic defects, or advanced age.


The Brave New World of Genetic Screening

Posted in: , 11/16/2015

Not long ago, genetic screening was done by screening for single gene disorders, largely based on the ethnic background and family history of the person.  Single gene tests were quite expensive ($200 or more for each), thus making it appropriate to limit the number of genes tested.  The so-called Ashkenazi Jewish panel could cost over $2,000!

Aside from the potentially high costs, basing decisions on ethnic backgrounds could be inaccurate.  Not everyone knows their true ancestry.  Furthermore, diseases that are rare in certain groups, like Tay-Sachs in non-Jews...

Moderating A Session At Families through Surrogacy in Sydney on 5/16/2015

Posted in: , 05/06/2015

Join us for “Families through Surrogacy” at the Novotel Hotel City Centre in Sydney 5/16-17, 2015

Presentations and Debates

  • Parents, surrogates, and children through surrogacy
  • Experts from Australia, the US, Greece, Nepal, Mexico and elsewhere
  • Leading researchers and counsellors
  • Surrogacy providers
  • Specialist lawyers and psychologists
BHED Offers Monthly Support Group Meetings

BHED Offers Monthly Support Group Meetings

Posted in: , 02/28/2015



The FBN is a monthly support group that brings together families formed with the help of egg/sperm/embryo donation and/or surrogacy as well as parents-to-be; giving them the opportunity to ask questions, get answers to their concerns, share experiences and feel supported.

The decision to parent with the help of donors/surrogates involves multiple choices. Many parents are unsure whether they should tell their ch...

The Value of the Genetics Consult for Ovum Donors

Posted in: , 07/30/2014

Standards and Ethics for Egg Donation and Surrogacy (SEEDS) was created by owners of egg donation and surrogacy agencies to define and classify a set of standards that are intended to apply to all such agencies in the United States. SEEDS will not have legislative authority, only advisory status. It is, however, the intention of SEEDS’s founding members to expand the organization in size and outreach to the point that SEEDS’s recommendations will have a major influence and impact on future egg donation and surrogacy legislation.

SEEDS’s goal is to raise the stand...

Should intended parents have a psychological consultation?

Posted in: , 07/23/2014

Struggling to have a child is stressful enough so the idea of having to include one more person in this process might not be particularly appealing – particularly when it comes to tackling the emotions surrounding what working with an egg donor might mean for you.

However, being given the opportunity to discuss anything about what it means to work with an egg donor in a confidential setting may offer information and guidance in how to move forward in the best possible way. This might very well be of benefit to the intended parents but could very well impact the long-term emo...

Second Parent Adoption Tax Credit Updates for Same Sex Parents

Posted in: , 03/08/2012

In most cases, if a gay male couple is not married a federal income tax credit is likely to cover many of the costs associated with the second parent adoption. Subject to limitations and exclusions, taxpayers who adopt a child may be entitled to a tax credit in the year an adoption is finalized. Taxpayers can usually only deduct “qualified adoption expenses”. According to the tax legislation, the term "qualified adoption expenses" means reasonable and necessary adoption fees, court costs, attorney's fees, and other expenses, which are:

  1. directly re...

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Traditional Cycle

In a traditional cycle, one recipient is matched with one donor for one cycle. If a successful pregnancy is not achieved and all normal embryos have been used, the recipient is eligible for a second cycle with no agency fee.

Shared Cycle

In a shared cycle, two or more recipients will share eggs from one cycle with one donor at one clinic. Each recipient pays an agency fee and legal fees. Shared expenses include donor fee, donor insurance, and donor travel (if applicable). Medical expenses are determined by the clinic. This option is not subject to our free rematch policy unless specifically outlined in the agency agreement.

Frozen Eggs

We work with some clinics that offer frozen eggs. The donor choices are limited. If you are interested in frozen eggs, please contact us. This option is not subject to our free rematch policy.