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We have appreciated working with Beverly Hills Egg Donation

Posted in: , 09/12/2016

Nous sommes les heureux parents de un petit garçon de deux mois. En le regardant, nous pensons au chemin parcouru depuis ce jour de janvier 2015 où nous avons décidé d’avoir un enfant par mère porteuse. Une naissance par mère porteuse  est une belle aventure mais qui nécessite, plus encore qu’une autre naissance, accompagnement et conseils.

C’est ce que nous avons apprécié chez BHED, depuis le premier jour et jusqu’à encore maintenant. Nous vivions à l’époque en Europe et toutes les démarches et recherches se sont faites très facilement grâce au site internet. Surtout, Cheryl, qui nous a accompagné tout au long du processus, a su nous écouter, comprendre notre demande et répondre à toutes les questions que nous pouvions nous poser sur le choix d’une donneuse d’ovules. Elle a été présente à tous les rendez-vous que nous avons eu par Skype ou en personne. Le tout dans la bonne humeur et l’empathie !

Depuis, nous avons déjà conseillé plusieurs fois BHED à certains de nos amis désireux eux aussi d’accueillir un bébé au sein de leur foyer.


We are the happy parents of a little boy, two months old. When we are looking at him, we think back on the days of January 2015 when we decided to have a child through surrogacy. To have a child with the help of an egg donor and a surrogate mother is an adventure. Like for any other birth, and more so, we needed advice and help.

This is why we have appreciated working with BHED, from the first day until now. We lived at the time in Europe and thanks to the website our search for an egg donor was easy. Even more, Cheryl, which was by our side all the time, was listening to what we had to say, understood what we wanted answered all the questions we had about choosing our egg donor. She managed all of our contacts, and interviews, by phone or Skype, with the egg donors we selected. She arranged  and came with us to a meeting with the egg donor we had chosen. Cheryl had a good humor and a lot of empathy.

We have since recommended BHED to other French couples who would want to welcome a child their home and create their own family.

– O & J, France


Fertility Clinics We Have Worked with in 2017


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Traditional Cycle

In a traditional cycle, one recipient is matched with one donor for one cycle. If a successful pregnancy is not achieved and all normal embryos have been used, the recipient is eligible for a second cycle with no agency fee.

Shared Cycle

In a shared cycle, two or more recipients will share eggs from one cycle with one donor at one clinic. Each recipient pays an agency fee and legal fees. Shared expenses include donor fee, donor insurance, and donor travel (if applicable). Medical expenses are determined by the clinic. This option is not subject to our free rematch policy unless specifically outlined in the agency agreement.

Frozen Eggs

We work with some clinics that offer frozen eggs. The donor choices are limited. If you are interested in frozen eggs, please contact us. This option is not subject to our free rematch policy.