Selling Your Eggs – How are Donors matched with recipient families
Posted in: Resources, 01/10/2017
At BHED, when a couple decides to use donor eggs, they can view a password protected database of potential donors. A tentative donor egg match is made when the recipient families decides to move forward with a specific donor. Our IVF coordinator will contact the egg donor to confirm her availability and begin the second half of the process of selling your eggs. Once it is confirmed that the egg donor is available for the recipient's necessary time frame, and has passed her FDA-required round of testing, the match becomes official. Sometimes donors are selected and matched to a recipient very quickly after they apply. However, other donors may take months or years before they are selected; still others may never be selected.
Although similar to online dating, picking an egg donor is a decision that will last a lifetime – divorcing a baby isn’t an option. A recipient’s baby will be theirs for life. Some of the criteria that people consider when choosing and egg donor includes:
- Does the donor have past cycles that were successful?
- Does the donor look like the recipient?
- Or does the donor have particular features (height, weight, eye color) that the recipient family finds important?
- What is the donors educational background?
- Does the potential donor have interests that are similar to ours?
For those of you who are considering selling your eggs, an article posted on ScaryMommy.com shared some recipient insight: http://www.scarymommy.com/choosing-egg-donor/. If selling your eggs makes sense for you, contact Beverly Hills Egg Donation and we can help you along the next step in the process. BHED offers the best opportunity at being matched very quickly with loving parents who are carefully screened. The gift of donation has an incalculable emotional reward but we also offer the highest compensation for donors in the United States. First time donors are compensated $8,000 and repeat donor fees increase considerably with each successful cycle.